Sea and Cake frontman Sam Prekop's solo debut certainly isn't rare in any sense (it dropped just out a decade ago) but it's a damn good record that came on shuffle the other day. Listened straight-through for the first time in a long time, possibly ever. Yo! Have you heard... Sam Prekop?
Released on Thrill Jockey in 1999, Prekop's solo debut features all the major players in the chicago underground: Chad Taylor (percussion) and Rob Mazurek (cornet) of Chicago Underground Duo, John McEntire of Tortoise and Jim O'Rouke. Jazzy guitar licks, minimalist accompaniment, relaxed grooves and shifting time.
"A Cloud to the Back" is, in every sense of the word, "dreamy," so soft it was featured in a toilet paper commercial (I tried to find this on youtube...fail). "Don't Bother" is bursting with tension but barely builds beyond a whisper, mostly instrumental save Prekop's one verse. Mazurek's cornet is brilliant in "Faces and People."
Prekop even admits in interviews that this first solo record doesn't differ much from the Sea and Cake's output, save the expanded lineup of musicians.
Another Prekop solo record came out 6 years later in 2005 - haven't heard that one. Enjoy the tracks below.

1. "Showrooms"
2. "The Company"
3. "Practice Twice"
4. "A Cloud To The Back"
5. "Don't Bother"
6. "Faces And People"
7. "On Such Favors"
8. "The Shadow"
9. "Smaller Rivers"
10. "So Shy"
Buy Prekop's records direct from Thrill Jockey... and while you're there pick up a couple more from the label's endlessly impressive roster.